A place opens in the former Manifattura Tabacchi where you can shop as it was once done.

“Our idea is to create a shop like in the past, where customers can always find the same people behind the counter, capable of guiding you, advising you, and helping you.”

With these words, founder Filippo Pini presents the philosophy behind the new bio shop, Bottega Biologica, which opened about a month ago in Florence, inside the new Manifattura Tabacchi (Via delle Cascine 35, Building B5).

An inauguration party is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12.

The Bottega is a place where familiarity blends with a strong focus on respecting raw materials (genuine products), the systems in which they are produced (without the use of chemicals), and support for small local businesses.

Everything is certified “bio” because, as Filippo Pini explains, “only in this way do we avoid harming the earth and our bodies.”

Inside the Bottega, you’ll find many bulk products, zero km, and fair trade items: seasonal fruits and vegetables; ancient grain bread; Tuscan eggs from “musical farms”; a selection of cheeses and meats; bulk detergents; personal care products; pasta, rice, legumes, and bulk dried fruits; vegan products; croissants, handmade cookies, and plant-based beverages; jams and homemade preserves; wines from the Etruscan coast and Chianti; beers brewed with mountain water from Pian della Mussa.

The Bottega fits perfectly into the regeneration project of the Manifattura Tabacchi, which, from being a cigar factory closed since 2001, is transforming into a new lively and vibrant district of the city, animated by shops, workshops, and multifunctional spaces.

*foto di Alessandro Fibbi

Uff. stampa CreaNet Communication
di Daniele Marucco
Cell. 329-395.19.59