When Taste Meets Ethics and Agriculture
A Special Event at Bottega Biologica with Altromercato
A day dedicated to discovering ethical and delicious chocolate, as well as fair-trade products in general.
In the modern and welcoming space of the organic store Bottega Biologica, located within Manifattura Tabacchi (Via delle Cascine 35).
The event will take place on Saturday, May 27, throughout the store’s opening hours

Visitors will have the chance to taste Manifesto chocolate, a flagship product by Altromercato.
This exceptional 70% dark chocolate is made from single-origin Ecuadorian Nacional Arriba cocoa and unrefined cane sugar, Dulcita.
The cocoa is cultivated in agroforestry systems that preserve biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change. The chocolate is packaged in eco-friendly, recyclable paper.
“On that day, various Altromercato products will be available with a special 20% discount,” encourages Filippo Pini, owner of Bottega Biologica.
”The organization’s representative will be our guest throughout the event. Our policy is to collaborate with local suppliers and partners to stay as close as possible to a zero-kilometer philosophy. For coffee and chocolate, this isn’t feasible, so we’ve chosen to work exclusively with Altromercato.”
Why Altromercato?
“Because they pay great attention to the supply chain and their relationship with producers in their countries of origin. This gives us all the guarantees we need regarding production and labor ethics—things we cannot oversee directly.”

Who is Altromercato?
“We are the market as it should be,” they say of themselves.
“A market where people’s rights are respected and the planet’s precious biodiversity is protected. We don’t aim to change the traditional market; we aim to overturn it. We were born to transform the market.”
Altromercato builds ethical supply chains for raw materials, guaranteeing farming and production methods that respect the planet and its resources. They believe nature’s riches deserve to be nurtured, not depleted.
They uphold workers’ rights worldwide and ensure the ethical principles of Fair Trade and social sustainability are met.
They also guarantee fair compensation and always pay a fair price.
“We expand our concept of trade by combining it with cooperation. Thanks to consumer purchases, we support projects that directly benefit the organizations we work with and the communities they operate in. We follow the ten principles of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), which are our essential guide and compass for daily action. We see those who collaborate with us worldwide as people with rights, dignity, families, dreams, ideals, and futures.”

Per informazioni:
Uff. stampa CreaNet Communication di Daniele Marucco
Cell. 329-395.19.59
E-mail: daniele.marucco@gmail.com